Have Mildred Speak!

MILDRED NGESA Mildred Ngesa is a self-proclaimed VOICE for Pan-African Emancipation and an undeniable believer in the power of effective communication. Mildred who is a seven-time award-winning journalist from Kenya with over 24 years experience as a human-interest, social-development journalist, columnist as well as media & communications expert now presents as a Pan African Media & Communications Specialist, a Transformational Leadership Coach, Motivational Speaker, Women’s Peace Convener, a Writer, and a Poet.

Journalism drove Mildred into working for major media houses in Kenya including the Nation Media Group, The Standard Group, The now-defunct Kenya Times, and on the international spectrum, the Deutsche Welle News Service in Bonn, Germany.

It is in Communications however that Mildred curves an undeniable niche as an expert in the trade. She has headed communications teams on Pan-African platforms including Amnesty International (East African Regional Office) and The African women’s Development & Communications Network, FEMNET – managing Media & Communications across 47 African Countries.

Nationally, Mildred’s streak has been evident in the three Constitutional Commissions where she headed the media and communications teams; Commission of Inquiry into Post-elections Violence (CIPEV), the Kenya Truth Justice & Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) and the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC).

An Expert Orator! Mildred Ngesa is an expert orator with a specific bias on speaking truth to power on issues transcending relationships, gender, race, identity, age, leadership, all with a message of HOPE pegged at the core! There is no doubt that Mildred is a champion for Transformational Change through messages grounded on hope. In a nutshell, Mildred thrives in the business of Marketing HOPE!

Mildred is the founder/director of media-based organization https://www.peacepencommunications.org/, Inc., (PPC) and co-founder of the regional women’s peace initiative UDADA Sisterhood for Peace.

PPC is a media-based initiative that enhances and sustains capacity of media for positive change. She was the editor and publisher of Climate Change News under PPC. The UDADA movement stands in solidarity with UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace & security.
Mildred Ngesa is the Author of published anthology Black Tipped NipplesInc., a misty collection of poetry that serenades the strength and resilience of women through reflective prose.
It is in her motivational speaking journey captured in the towering; Mildred Ngesa Motivates Africa Inc., that Mildred grabs her purpose of being and gifts to her world of audiences the authentic power of Communications.It is here too that Mildred MOTIVATES unconditionally believing for a fact that everyone needs HOPE to keep going – everyone!
Mildred Ngesa’s life calling is crowned by her two daughters Neema & Nuru – Her GRACE and LIGHT in every sense of their names.