Karibuni Wapendwa, Welcome Beloved!
Look at you! Look at us! We made it to 2022! Congratulations! We thank God for His Grace for this far.
Welcome to this Mildren Ngesa Platform. This is a journey as it is a declaration of PURPOSE. This is the space where we shall talk and engage and most importantly MARKET HOPE. We are keen on taping onto your interaction with us as we explore diverse topics and sentiments which we hope will strengthen our resolve to live life!
Beloved, at the Mildred Ngesa Platforms, we say every day is a good day! I know it might not sound like it especially with the COVID 19 demon refusing to let go of us, however, trust me beloved, despite all the odds, we are still here and this is all that really matters.
2021 brought to my reality the devastating agonizing suffering of battling breast cancer. After a nerve-wracking major surgery, eight intense Chemotherapy treatments, thirty Radiotherapy sessions and an extremely difficult reality to embrace here I am defiantly pressings “system Re-Set” and setting to work. Even though I have just concluded my treatment regime I am still a Cancer Warrior and I will be for a while. The last Radiotherapy session was 21 days ago but here I am beloved….and so are you! There are good days and there are bad days, but every day is good because we are still here! This is the mantra by which we drive our zeal on the Mildred Ngesa platforms as we embark on enriching our communications skills, our transformational ambitions and our interpersonal aspirations all for the greater good of making this world a better place.
So welcome on board beloved. Follow us on our Website: www.mildredngesa.org, Chat with us on Instagram on: @Milliengesa, follow us on Twitter @MildredNgesa.
Life might have done us a sour deal but our resolve is cemented in defiant grit and we shall embrace everyday as it come since every day is a good day because we are still here!